Sunday, December 17, 2006

Another Great Air Tek Christmas Party

Tristen playing bingo for the first time. They had so many things for the kids to play on.
Not a good picture but our entertainment this year was T Graham Brown. Some know him some don't. If you hear his music you would remember.
Somer in her element. Having a party and inviting people she don't even know. This play house is bigger than my bedroom, with front porch, air and even a door bell.
Me with T Graham Brown. What a great time we had.

more karate

Mr. Rosa telling Tristen what an awesome job he does working his weapon. Good control.
Getting his new belt.
Tristen with his instructors. Mr. Walls, Ms Needler, Jonathan and Mr. Rosa

Brown Belt

Practicing his form with Mr. Rosa before graduation started.
Warming Up
Working his weapon.

Somer and Thomas

This is Thomas. Somer has informed me that she is going to marry him.
Megan and Jordan, for those who remember. lisa's girls
Trying to get pics for Christmas.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Tristen's 6th Birthday

Tristen's best friend Austin.

X-Men party. Couldn't find an x-men cake so we spelled it with cupcakes

School Days

Somer's first school picture, Tristens second. Growing to fast.