Sunday, December 17, 2006

Another Great Air Tek Christmas Party

Tristen playing bingo for the first time. They had so many things for the kids to play on.
Not a good picture but our entertainment this year was T Graham Brown. Some know him some don't. If you hear his music you would remember.
Somer in her element. Having a party and inviting people she don't even know. This play house is bigger than my bedroom, with front porch, air and even a door bell.
Me with T Graham Brown. What a great time we had.

more karate

Mr. Rosa telling Tristen what an awesome job he does working his weapon. Good control.
Getting his new belt.
Tristen with his instructors. Mr. Walls, Ms Needler, Jonathan and Mr. Rosa

Brown Belt

Practicing his form with Mr. Rosa before graduation started.
Warming Up
Working his weapon.

Somer and Thomas

This is Thomas. Somer has informed me that she is going to marry him.
Megan and Jordan, for those who remember. lisa's girls
Trying to get pics for Christmas.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Tristen's 6th Birthday

Tristen's best friend Austin.

X-Men party. Couldn't find an x-men cake so we spelled it with cupcakes

School Days

Somer's first school picture, Tristens second. Growing to fast.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

This is the picture I was trying to post earlier but got the same one instead. Memaw and Tristen having fun on the trip home.

Six Flags

Some how this got posted twice. Not sure what I did. anyway, more from six flags

Memaw decided to ride an old roller coaster and her back paid for it after. This is of course Michael, Angela, his girlfriend and her mom.

Happy Halloween

I know it's a little late but I can't seem to get pictures posted as quick anymore. Our princess Tristen is the Red Power Ranger. Strong muscles below. The crown on Somer's head in this picture was one mama wore to her homecoming in high school.
Mr. Man.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

First trip to the ER

Tristen had an accident at six flags. He head butted with another little boy in one of the play areas. They were going to give him stitches but since it was a bove the brow they clued it instead.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Good bye purple belt

Tristen just got his blue belt. He only has brown and red left before he gets his Tiny Tiger black belt. After that he goes to the big class.

Somer Nicole

A few new shots of Somer. She loves having her picture taken.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Big Brother

Somer was hesitant about getting on the field this past saturday so big brother walked her out there. Isn't that sweet?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A few more pics from the day

Coach giving some instructions.
Tristen and Garrett practicing before the game. Garrett is also in Tristens class at school
Kicking off after an out of bounds play by the other team.
Once she loosened up she starting running hard. This was a busy but great day. The kids really enjoyed playing soccer today.

What a fun day!!!

Waiting for game to start after a water break.
He busted it on this one. This happened to several of them today.
starting a new play. They played hard, but didn't win. they don't keep score but we know how they did.
This was Tristens turn to start the play off with the first kick


Somer showing her kicking ability. It was so much fun to watch.
My team mates. 3 girls and 2 boys and we kicked butts today, against 4 boys
The start of the game. Somer was being shy. She got over it though. i had so many pictures I could put on here it was hard to pick and choose.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Megan turns 16

Tristen and Somer with Megan on her 16th birthday.

Somer trying to get balloons wit out getting her pretty dress wet.

A New Sport

The kids are going to try soccer. Practice starts thursday and games will be on saturday.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Gotta love the rides

Tristen and Dale almost always beat me and Somer but we tried. They could have stayed on this all day.
Bumper cars were ok, but not the favorite
I thought these next rides would freak Tristen out, because he is so cautious, but he as well and Somer absolutely loved it.

The first drop on this ride, we weren't sure if they liked it but they made so much noise and had so much fun they kept riding it.